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I Am A Runner...

One of the things I want to do before I die is to run and finish a full marathon…a 42-kilometer run.

I am 48 years old, which means I have more or less 27.59 years to do it based on the estimated 2014 Philippines Life Expectancy At Birth for female.


“I AM A RUNNER because I run.
Not because I run fast. Not because I run far.
I AM A RUNNER because I say I am.
And no one can tell me I’m not."
John "The Penguin" Bingham
This afternoon, I ran again…and it felt good. It’s only a 5-kilometer run…on an easy pace…without stopping nor walking…and I am sweating profusely during and after the run.
I AM A RUNNER because even if I know I will be tired yet I still run. I love the feel of the wind on my face and on my skin and the sweat trickling my body.

mapmyrun_92814Today was my first run after I had a knee injury during my half-marathon (21-kilometer) run March of this year. I had a good start but the last 5 kilometers, my lower back and right knee was in pain…I had to walk most of the time. I even thought of going to the ambulance but I worry that the Medics would advise me not to continue…so I endured the pain and finished the race.

After that race, I was advise by the Medic to see and consult with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I did not, at first, but when the pain on my knee became intolerable…I had to give in. I was diagnosed with Torn Meniscus Membrane on my right knee. I had to undergo 6 sessions of physical therapy

I AM A RUNNER because I experienced knee pains and lower back pains but I still push myself even beyond the limits and finish the race. It’s the exhilaration of crossing the finish line and conquering another race.
I started running in August 2010. I joined my very first fun run, with Jonjie, held at Clark, Pampanga dubbed “Takbo Para sa Katutubo” (Run for Indigenous People). I just decided to run and Jonjie supported me. We braved the 5 kilometer run without practice…without training. But Jonjie has an advantage…he ran during his high school and college days and knew the dos and donts of running.

My first run, though difficult and painful, but it opened a new world to me. 08082010133
In 2010, we joined 8 Fun Runs. And the highlights of our first year of running were:

10.10.10 Run for Pasig River

We were part of the 116,086 runners from all walks of life that participated in the momentous event that broke the existing Guinness World Record for the for the most number of participants in a single race, against 110,000 runners at the "Bay to Breakers" race in San Francisco, California in 1988.

In just 2 months of running, we braved the 10-kilometer run. We finished the race…but we were not able to get our Finisher’s Band. After crossing the finish line, we immediately went to the parking area to look for my Mother, our daughter Daniz and our “Ate”…
11.07.10 34th National Milo Marathon

Then in November 07, we joined the 34th National Milo Marathon in Tarlac. Our second 10-kilometer run. During this run, I experienced the longest and hardest last kilometer of the race. Every step to the finish line, I was willing my feet to move and step forward. Added to the pressure was my chance to be included in the Top 10 for Female Category…
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I AM A RUNNER because I learn to love to run. I love the feeling each time I heard the gun start and the sound of the rushing feet. I love the adrenalin rush each time I cross the finish line.

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