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Daily Log: Life Is Precious

Job 12 10
The Risen Christ at the Monasterio de Tarlac,
A 30-foot statue located at Tarlac Eco-Tourism Park, Brgy Lubigan, San Jose, Tarlac.

Taken last January 05, 2014.

Everyday is a gift. An opportunity to live life for one more day. A chance for a new beginning.

And this morning, I was reminded how precious life is. And the chance that was given to all of us, young and old, to live our life to its fullest. To enjoy each moment with our loved ones.

This morning I saw a picture of a 2-year old girl, fighting for her life…so little, so fragile,so innocent.

And I wanted to cry.

For the bruises and stitches on her face…the injury on her head…the unimaginable pain on her frail body.

For the mother who was at work, trying to earn a living, for her little girl.

Then I thought of the lady who just wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. The relatives taking care of the little girl.

All their lives suddenly changed because of an accident. Each of them will suffer their own pain…and will carry their own burden because of what happened. Each of them will be scarred for life…

I wanted to ask “why the little girl?”. Instead I pause, close my eyes and open the Daily Word for Healing for some guidance, and these are the words I received…

In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being.
Job 12:10

Life is precious…it was God’s gift to us. Live it. Love it. Treat it well. Be responsible…not just for your own but for others’ as well.

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