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My One Word for 2016: GRATITUDE

Since I started blogging in 2014, I came across WotY (Word of the Year). It is a method of choosing one word that will guide you throughout the year.

I just scanned it, but never paid much attention to it.

Until today when I gave in to a small voice within me which, for several days now, is persistently saying

I am and will always be a grateful person. With all the answered prayers and the blessings I received …I cannot ask for anything more.


A year ago,I was forced out of the “comfort zone” that I have been into for several years. The first few months, I just blame it on adjustment. As months passed, it is evident that the situation will not change. There were “good days”. The “not so good days”, more often than not, drove me to the limits.

I, sometimes, think of giving up. But I could not…I know.

A few times, silent tears spilled from my eyes.

Things will be better afterwards.

Then, it will be a “not so good days” again.

And I resorted to complaining.

Counting my blessings was forced into the background.

But amidst my complaints, my frustrations, my tears…there’s always this small voice reminding me to be thankful.

And when that small voice is not enough, it was supplemented by the power of written words, while I was browsing the net

Thank You, Father, for the way You guide me in prayer.
Help me to come to You in thanksgiving before I do anything else.
Let GRATITUDE be the foundation of my prayer life.
I make the decision today to put aside complaining.
Being thankful in prayer, instead.
Joyce Meyer’s The Power of Being Thankful

And so, even if it’s already the second quarter of 2016, I decided to choose my one word for the year:
My One Word for 2016 - Gratitude
To remind me to be thankful more so during difficult situations.

I may complain but in the end, I will choose positivity

To count my blessings!

To always look for the good in everyone and everything.

Because there is always, always something to be grateful for…

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