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3 Ways Daniz Celebrated Her 9th Birthday

Daniz was born October 10, 2005. Every year, except her 1st and 7th birthday, we celebrated the day with just a simple dinner with family and friends. And since 2011, we went on an annual trip on the weekend following her birthday.

This year, it's a bit different...we celebrated it in 3 ways.
  1. Birthday Trip to La Union and Baguio City
  2. Simple Birthday Dinner at Home with Family and Friends
  3. A Special Day with Mama Mary Through the Family Living Rosary
The chair she was sitting is an antique piece being used by priest during the olden days...it was located on the underground chapel of Basilica of Our Lady of Charity (Agoo)
Way #1: Birthday Trip to La Union and Baguio City last October 04 ~ 06

We had the trip before her birthday...earlier than our usual. We took advantage of the long weekend and traveled to La Union for 1 day, 1 night. And from there, to Baguio City for 2 days, 1 night. Mommy Lydia, my mother-in-law, joined us on this trip.

In La Union: we visited 3 historical churches, had our lunch in a local chinese restaurant, stayed in a surf resort and Daniz re-conquered the waves of Brgy Urbiztondo and ate our dinner at the resort's restaurant.
  • Basilica of Our Lady of Charity (Agoo) founded in 1578.
  • Sts. Peter and Paul Parish (Bauang)  founded on 1580.
  • St. William The Hermit Cathedral founded on 1764 and became a cathedral in 1970
  • Golden Society Food House 
  • San Juan Surf Resort
Brgy. Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union...known as the surfing capital of the north.
San Juan Surf Resort...one of the pioneer resort and surf school in Brgy. Urbiztondo
Surfing, re-conquering the waves of San Juan...the main reason why we chose to travel to La Union for her birthday
In Baguio City, we’ve been to 6 tourist attractions, stayed in a well-known hotel, had late lunch at a local pizza parlor, dined at a premier restaurant, had breakfast at one of the famous diner, enjoyed our lunch at a "karenderia" and braved the fastest route home.
  • Tam-Awan Village
  • Good Shepherd Mountain Maid Training Center
  • Botanical Garden
  • The Forest Lodge at Camp John Hay
  • Carlo's Pizza
  • Le Chef Restaurant at The Manor
  • 50's Diner
  • La Trinidad Strawberry Farm
  • Easter Weaving, Inc.
  • Hannan & Apple Fast Food
  • Wright Park
  • Kennon Road
Pine Trees at the grounds of Camp John Hay
Forest Lodge Hotel, Camp John Hay...their tag line "The Best Deal in Baguio" is true in all aspects.
For Daniz, Baguio  trip would not be complete without riding a horse "to race with the wind".

Way #2: Simple Birthday Dinner at Home with Family and Friends last October 09

Before October arrived, she requested if she can have a costume party with her friends from school. But when we explained to her that it's not included in our budget...she understand.
The improvised birthday cake
Dinner Menu: Spaghetti Bar with 3 different sauces - Bolognese, Carbonara and Puttanesca, Garlic Bread, Buffalo Wings with Cheese Garlic Cream Sauce

Way #3: A Special Day with Mama Mary Through the Family Living Rosary, October 10

She chose to attend Mary Help of Christians School's Family Living Rosary held at the school's quadrangle.

Initially, we scheduled her birthday dinner on this day. But because the school-wide Family Living Rosary was at 5;00pm, so we opted to host the dinner a day earlier.
With Mama Mary, Mary Help of Christians and the students offerings on her
Taken right after the activity...
The Giant Rosary...each candle was lighted while praying and meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries
Another year had passed and a new chapter in our daughter's life has just unfold. And as her parents, we pray
"O God, we thank you for granting our fervent prayer to experience parenthood. May we be worthy of the precious gift, our daughter Daniz, that You bestowed on us. Please help us and guide us that we may be able to fulfill this sacred duty of stewardship.Teach us and give us the wisdom what to give and what to withhold; when to reward and when to discipline; make us to be gentle, yet firm; considerate and watchful; and deliver us equally from the weakness of indulgence, and the excess of severity. Lead us that we may guide and direct her to grow in grace and in knowledge of You. Amen"

Please also visit:
And please wait for the separate posts on our trip La Union and Baguio City.

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