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Daily Log: The Trouble With Dreaming by Bob Perks


"The Trouble with Dreaming
By Bob Perks

You can dream all you want and want all you dream
But sooner or later you have to put feet on them or they'll just die in place.
Dreams can't go anywhere.  They just stay right where you left them the last time you even considered them at all.

They are indeed convenient.  No one has to know a thing about them.  No one has to see them or touch them but you.  So, in reality they don't even exist until you say so.

I ask you what good is a dream if you don't bring it to life.  I mean why waste your time if you are only going to tuck it away? 

The trouble with dreaming is it gets you nowhere.  Oh, perhaps in your mind.,  You can dream of far away places and pretend that you are there.  I must ask you why not come up with a plan based on reality and get yourself there? 

Why not?
Are your dreams simply childish fantasies?

Permit me to ask you, too, what is stopping you from attaining your dream?
Is it money?  It's always money.
Well, my friend you don't have a money problem you have an idea problem.  You need a strategy to get the money you need to make your dream come true.

Are you too old, too young?  Nonsense.  Age isn't the problem.  Every dream that is meant to be and has merit, is blind to the age of the dreamer.

Are you too male, too female, too black, too white, not Hispanic enough?
That's a joke, too.  These are labels society has created and for every label there are  dozens of men and women who never even considered them when they pursued their dreams anyway.

That's the trouble with dreaming.  Dreams know no barriers or limitations when the dreamer makes the decision to turn that dream into reality.

Yes, my friend.  You are either a dreamer or a believer.
Believers are achievers.

Dreamers?  Well, they live in the land of might have been.

"I believe in you!"
"Live an inspired life!"

Daily Log: What is "Meant To Be" by Bob Perks

What is "meant to be?"
We say it when good things happen.
We say it when bad things happen.
Or we add in "wasn't."  As in "It wasn't meant to be."

There is truth in it, but there are also lies.
Something goes right and we believe that there may have been some divine intervention.  How do we know it?

Maybe it just was. Maybe what happened is simply what we wanted so we declare it, "Meant to be."  But was it?  Or are we just making it so?

Maybe we use it to console one another when things go wrong.
"I'm sorry.  Maybe it just wasn't meant to be."
"Destined to exist."  That's how it is defined.

Another look at it says,
"For those who believe in fate... it would fall into that realm.
For those who believe in God... it would depend on His will.
For example... "as Fate would have it" (assuming fate has control)...or, "according to God's will" (placing it in the hands of a higher power... who is believed to have control).
"Meant to be" insinuates that something else has control of it."

Now that's interesting. 
If we believe that "something else has control over it," then we could easily explain our failures and successes, almost to the point that we would never really have to try hard, work for it, or even believe we deserve it.

There was a popular song sung by Doris Day.  The chorus went like this:
"Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be."

It's really a nice laid back attitude.
I ask you then why try?
What good are goals?  Dreams?  Plans?  Or perhaps even Prayer?

In my life I have come to the conclusion that there really is a purpose for "meant to be." 

"Meant to be" by Bob Perks
For life to be good it is meant to be challenging and difficult.
For love to be real it is meant to be tested and proven.
For faith to be of value it is meant to be tried at times.
For hope to exist we are meant to be strong in our belief that if God is, so is hope.
For one to be found we are meant to be lost so we understand what coming back again feels like.
For one to live life fully we are meant to be aware that life is fragile.
For one to win we are meant to lose.
For one to finish we are meant to begin and never quit.

"Meant to be" is simply God's plan for me.

So, "meant to be" should not be taken lightly or used as an excuse.
For since you were created by God you were meant to be living a good life, loved, faith-filled, hopeful, found, enjoying the fullness of life, a winner and never a quitter.

That's how God expects it to be.

"I believe in you!"
"Live an inspired life!"

6 Things You Can Do Inside Tam-Awan Village, Baguio City

Tam-Awan Village is located at the outskirts of Baguio City at 366-C Pinsao Proper. Getting there by car may be a bit difficult, by taxi is the easiest as the place is known to taxi drivers and as usual, the cheapest mode of transportation is by jeepney.
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According to Baguio Attractions & Historical Landmarks,
Tam-awan in the local idiom means "vantage point," an apt name for a colony of Cordillera Huts that sit on a hillside that affords visitors a magnificent view of the South China Sea on a clear day. 
The Chanum Foundation, Inc., started reconstructing Ifugao houses in Baguio with the intention of recreating a native village accessible to those who have not had the opportunity to explore the different parts of the vast Cordillera region in the Philippines, laying the houses out just like a traditional Cordillera village. Tam-awan Village is also a venue for art exhibits, workshops and other activities that showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Cordillera people.
Due to the temporary unpassable road at the end of Naguilian Road, a few kilometers to the heart of Baguio City, we found ourselves traversing the road less traveled going to La Trinidad, Benguet.

While nearing our destination, as shown by Waze Apps, and after a sharp curve I suddenly look on the right side of the road and saw the sign “Tam-Awan Village”. But, it was too late to stop…so we traveled a few meters more for Jonjie to find an area big enough to maneuver for a “u-turn”.

This is one classic examples of a “blessing in disguise”. I have been reading raves about the village on the web but it was never been part of our itinerary. And if not for the road construction at the end of the Naguilian, we will not be forced to the road that led us to Tam-Awan Village.

DSC_1720_vibDSC_1721_vib At the entrance, we paid a minimal amount: Adult = P50, Children = P20,Students / Senior Citizens = P30. After paying we were given a brochure and the map of the village.

My words will not be enough to describe the treasures that we found inside the village. And so, I will let the pictures speak for it. But be reminded that though pictures can convey the beauty of a place or an object, still it is best to see it with your own eyes…

Things you can do while inside the village:

1) Take pictures of all the things that caught your attention…it’s all worth it.
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2) Be amazed with the collection of paintings and artworks by the local artists. Most are for sale…so splurge if you can. DSC_2085 DSC_2094IMG_9249IMG_9245DSC_2135
3) Climb the stairs until you reached the highest area. (We were not able to, it will be one of our “things to do” on our next visit).

4) Eat at the “Tam-awan Café. Since it was still early for lunch when we arrived, we tried their freshly brewed Benguet Blend Brewed Coffee at P30 (with a refill) with the huge Lady Finger cookies at P20.
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5) Wear the ethnic Ifugao costume for free, but you can drop a donation, and take unlimited pictures with all the poses that you can do.
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6) Stay for the night and experience how the ancient people live in the traditional Ifugao Hut. DSC_2090

How to Get to Tam-awan Village

By car -- from Burnham Park: take Harrison Road and go up Abanao Road and proceed to Naguilian Road. From Naguilian, turn right to Quezon Hill Road 2, which connects to Tacay Road. On Tacay Road, keep going straight till you reach a fork on the road, Take the road on the left and keep going until you reach Tam-Awan Village. See Map.

By taxi cab -- just tell the driver take you to Tam-awan Village, Pinsao Proper. All cabbies know where this visitor attraction is located.

By jeepney -- take the Plaza-Quezon Hill-Tam-awan jeepney or the Long-long via Tam-awan Jeepney from Kayang Street, behing and above the Baguio City Market.

Daily Log: Take Time To Pray

I found this prayer from my old emails dated August 20, 2010...during those times of chain emails. It was entitled "A Very Anointing Prayer #166"...Author Unknown. A note before the prayer states,
If you pray this prayer, change the number in the subject box before forwarding the message so people can SEE how many have done so.
The prayer is already touching and meaningful. But I want to honor the Author and tried to search the web about its origin. I pasted the first paragraph of the payer on Google Search and found this...index #6 of page 1. It caught my attention because of the date 09112001 on the link.
Chipura's Sister Email - 10/14/01 - Beirut Memorial On Linewww.beirut-memorial.org/09112001/chipura_sister.htmlFor those of you who don't know me, I am John's sister Nancy. I found this ... Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I Thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morningI'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding GodYou have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me 
I may not succeed in knowing the person who wrote it but what I found gave a much deeper meaning to it.
"The Prayer Room". Taken last August 21, 2014 at St. Pio Church
Subj: Fwd: FW: Take Time to Pray
Date: 06/18/01 1:25:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: John Chipura
To: Friends

Let us pray.

Relax and let God be the only Person on your mind while you read this Prayer. If we can take the time to read long jokes, stories, etc., we should give the same respect to this prayer.

Friends that Pray together, stay together.

Let's pray...

Dear Lord, I thank you for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. 

Forgive me this day for I have sinned. I ask now for Your forgiveness. Keep me safe from all danger and harm. Let me start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day and give my best in all that is put before me. Clear my mind that I can hear from You. Broaden my mind that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. Let me continue to see sin through God's eyes and acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God. 

And when this world closes in on me, let me remember to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Thy Will. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.

I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way.

I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood.

I pray for those who refuse to share a word from You.

I pray for those who don't know You intimately.

I pray for those that will only read this and not speak this aloud in their own lives.

I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others.

I pray for those that don't believe. But I thank you that I believe that God changes people and God changes things.

I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households.

I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes, that they are out of debt & all their needs are met.

I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. Every Battle is in His hands for Him to fight.

I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every mouth that confesses them willingly.

This is my prayer.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

  • Based from his sister Nancy's email,the prayer is forwarded by John Chipura to his friend dated 06/18/01 1:25:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time.
  • According to www.nydailynews.com, John Chipura is a Marine that survived Beirut bombing but died a hero when World Trade Center's Twin Towers fell. A Police Detective and a Fireman of New York City, it is believed that he was one of the first to respond to the WTC tragedy and may have been affected by the resultant collapse of the building.
  • October 14, 2001, Nancy forwarded John's email and wrote, 
Hi Everyone,
For those of you who don't know me, I am John's sister Nancy. I found this e-mail in my e-mail files. It is an e-mail that John sent out on 6/18/01. The title is "Take Time to Pray." I am sending this e-mail for 2 reasons. One is as a reminder to everyone that John sent this e-mail because he believed in it and was not afraid to send it to his friends and family. The second reason is that you were all an important part of John's life. Some of the e-mail addresses I recognize but a lot of them I don't. I am sending this out so that those of you who have not been able to contact John will be able to contact me and John's family.
This is a very difficult time for us all. As we wait & pray for news on John, it is important to know that none of us are alone. We have each other. And, during this very difficult time, we have our memories of John. Please share your memories with us. John has touched so many lives in so many different ways. Some of you were in the Marines with John. Others shared his life as a policeman or firefighter. All of you were his friends. Please feel free to e-mail me at: NJChipura@aol.com
I pray that the Lord gives us all strength to get through this very difficult time.


Just a thought...is it possible that the author of the prayer is John Chipura? What do you think?

Trip to La Union and Baguio City for Daniz' 9th Birthday

Daniz’s Birthday Trip started in 2011, a week after she turned 6 years old. It was an accidental weekend getaway in Cagayan De Oro and Bukidnon. On her 7th Birthday, she chose Hong Kong Disneyland Adventure over a themed party at Jollibee. And on her 8th, we braved the road to Las Casas Filipinas, a day after typhoon Santi brought havoc to Central Luzon. 

And it became an annual event…

For this year, we took advantage of the long weekend, a 3-day vacation, from Saturday to Sunday (October 4~6).
  • Day 1: La Union with an overnight stay at San Juan Surf Resort
  • Day 2-3: Baguio City with an overnight accommodation at Camp John Hay’s Forest Lodge Hotel

This Birthday Trip is both planned and unplanned. In a way, it was planned because we booked the resort and the hotel a week before the trip and we discussed the general itinerary: Mabalacat City (Home) using Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) and Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union (TPLEX) – La Union (Agoo, San Fernando, Luna, San Juan) – Baguio City – Mabalacat City. Unplanned because we did not have a specific itinerary of the tourist spots to visit…we just go with the flow.

Below are the sights along the way…

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In La Union, we visited the following places:
  • Stop #1 – Basilica of Our Lady of Charity in Agoo
  • Stop #2 – St. William The Hermit Cathedral in San Fernando
  • Stop #3 – Golden Society Food House
  • Stop #5 – Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Bauang (early morning of the following day)
During the initial planning of this trip, we inquire about the grape picking in Bauang, but unfortunately all grapes were harvested end of September. Along the way to Luna (passing San Juan), we saw the entrance to the Ma-Cho Temple but we decided to skip it because our “little surfer” is so eager to be at the beach…same reason why we also forego our visit to Our Lady of Namacpacan Church in Luna and head directly to San Juan Surf Resort.

The following day, right after we visited Bauang Church, we proceeded towards Naguilian Road to Baguio City. Our first time to use this road. It was an easy travel for Froggy, our old but reliable green car. But compared to Kennon Road...the road is not as smooth and small communities are already abound along the way.

At the end of Naguilian Road, just a few kilometers away from Baguio, we were advise to take a detour to La Trinidad…part of the road is under construction and the nearest detour is not passable by car, only jeepneys and big vehicles.

These are our stops in our 2-day stay in Baguio City:

Day 1
  • Stop #2: Mountain Maid and Training Center (Good Shepherd)
  • Stop #3: Botanical Garden
  • Stop #4: Carlo’s Pizza (Camp John Hay)
  • Stop #5: Forest Lodge Hotel (Camp John Hay)
Day 2
  • · Stop #1: 50’s Diner
  • · Stop #2: Strawberry Farm (La Trinidad)
  • · Stop #3: Easter Weaving, Inc.
  • · Stop #4: Hannan & Apple (Burnham Park)
At around 4:00pm, we headed home through the Kennon Road. After about twenty minutes, we had taken a wrong turn because of the detour sign due to road construction.

Jonjie saw someone inside a big gate of what looks like a huge vacant area. When Jonjie asked for direction, he wave his hand to let us and we found ourselves in a runway. After leaving the area, we saw some signs “To Loakan Airport”.

And after a few minutes of getting lost, we are back on track. Below are the sights of the Kennon Road I took using my iPhone 4S while the car is running.

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Our travel time from the Godspeed arch of Baguio City to the Welcome sign of La Union was one and a half hours. If not for the heavy traffic of more than an hour in Villasis, Pangasinan, we will be home in less than four hours.

Please wait for the related posts of this trip. In case you missed the link above, you may read the available posts:
You may also want to read:

5 Things That Makes San Juan, La Union Enjoyable

Last October 4 was our second visit to Brgy. Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union. The first was last June as our last adventure before the school finally starts.

This time is for the annual trip of our daughter, Daniz, for her 9th birthday (October 10). It's still a week early but we took advantage of the long weekend, a 3-day vacation from Saturday to Monday. We also invited my mother-in-law, Mommy Lydia, to join us on this trip

The highlights of our trip to San Juan:
  1. Stay and Dine at San Juan Surf Resort
  2. Surfing the Waves of Brgy. Urbiztondo
  3. Sights and Sounds of the Waves
  4. Beautiful Sunset
  5. Early Morning Walk at the Beach

#1: Stay and Dine at San Juan Surf Resort

San Juan Surf Resort is one of the prime resort in the area. We decided to stay here again...our second time...because the place is well maintained and the staff are friendly and very accommodating. The bedding and towels are also clean. And though the room is small, Standard Room only, but the comfort room is large enough to move comfortably.

Our room is situated at the first floor of the white building in front...the first from right.
The resort is fully booked but we were lucky enough to secure this Standard Room...an extra bed was added.

We had a long day, so our plan of trying out one of the local restaurant in the area was shelved in favor of San Juan Surf Resort's Restaurant.

We ordered their Sal-Salo Meal 1, good for 4 persons consisting of: Inihaw na Liempo, Sinigang na Hipon, Lechon Kawali, Pakbet Iloko, Rice, Iced Tea.

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Picture...picture...while waiting for our order. Daniz tried their Strawberry Oreo Milk Shake


#2: Surfing the Waves of Brgy. Urbiztondo

The joy on the surfers’ face, the big smile that light up their faces every time they conquered the wave is a sight to behold. 

What more if one of the surfers rushing to the shore and flashing the surfers hand sign is your 8-year old daughter...it was breathtaking, I tell you.

She is the reason why three adults, Jonjie and I, the parents who never like any water activities and her grandmother, Lola Lydia, who would rather be inside the room and rest while watching TV found ourselves at the beach. Because she like surfing and so we included it in her annual birthday trip itinerary.

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#3: Sights and Sounds of the Waves

I may never be a water person but the sights and sounds of the waves calm my senses...it relaxes my being.

I took a short video of the early morning waves of San Juan...no surfers...no other sound...just the waves. Please click here to watch it.


#4: Beautiful Sunset

I love sunset in all its form. I will never get tired of its sight and the ever changing colors that paint the afternoon sky and gives it a golden glow. And I will always be mesmerized with its reflection on the ocean and on the wet sand.

For me, sunset is the culminating event of the day. The setting of the sun at the end of the day is a silent promise that a new day will begin and the sun will set again…an unending cycle.

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#5: Early Morning Walk at the Beach

Jonjie and I woke up early to enjoy the beach while everybody is asleep…so we thought.

The surfers’ instructors are already up and about, setting up the tents and the surfboards. Some are picking up the seaweeds left by the waves on the shore…basically the beach is clean except for a few trashes from the day before.

Not for long before the other guests from our resorts and from the neighboring ones started coming in with the same intent as we…to just enjoy the morning and to take photographs.

I love the afternoon glow brought about by the setting of the sun. But morning, before the sun even peek into the horizon, has its own charm and brings a different glow. As if sending an invitation to take some time to savor the moment and enjoy the peacefulness of the surroundings.

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Though we plan to leave the resort early to head for the next league of Daniz Birthday Trip but Jonjie and I took a little more time…enjoying our togetherness, just the two of us…taking more photographs of the sea, sky, sand and the resort.

Our second visit to La Union is finally over and it may take a while for us to return again. And I could say that La Union is much more fun the second time around.

Below are some of photos taken at the beach

"The Philippine Military Helicopter" and Jonjie waving to the men in uniform
"The Go Back Signal". Jonjie trying to signal Daniz and her coach to go back
"The Sand Castle Builders". Father and daughter tandem
"The Little Girl and the Waves"
"Colorful Arrays of Surfboards". Already arrange...waiting for the surfers...
"Yoga by the Beach"...even before the sun is up