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Rainbow on a Clear Morning Sky

This morning started as any other morning…

Jonjie and I were on our way to the office...lately, he's been driving me to and from work and I am just a willing passenger :). We were so intent with our conversation regarding Daniz and her quarterly exams for the day…our worries if she will be able to follow instructions and answer the tests correctly. But our biggest fear is if we will be able to raise her to be a good person...if we are doing the right thing with her.

And when I look up…the sky is so clear and as blue, with clouds as white and as soft as cotton. Some days were like this, except…a rainbow!!! On a clear morning sky… 

Lamentations 3:22-23
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;     his mercies never come to an end;23 they are new every morning;    great is your faithfulness.

IMG_8102 Rainbow on a Clear Morning Sky
Taken 7:45am using iPhone4S inside Clark, Pampanga
Genesis 9:13
13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.

Morning is a start of a brand new day...a new beginning. And the rainbow is a symbol of God's promise to mankind...a sign of the covenant between Him and His people.

What a better way to start our day! Reminding us that we've been through a lot with Daniz...and together with His guiding hands, we can do all things. Not to mention, His "angels on earth" that will  lend their helping hands whenever we are in need, wherever we may be.

Thank you Lord for every morning in our lives...and for the rainbows, though seldom  seen but always a welcome sight. Thank you for today!

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