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Year In Review: A Look Back At 2014, A Peek At 2015

Picture taken last January 02, 2015 at Sabang Beach during our trip to Baler, Aurora
“All endings are a chance to rest, to breathe, to reflect on the conclusion of the journey in preparation for the new one.”
– Author Unknown

Goodbye 2014…Hello 2015! Another year has ended and a new one is already unfolding. And I am trying to write my very first year in review… But just like with every first, I am struggling. I’d been meaning to start it as early as December, but it’s the busiest season for completing the Christmas list, parties, reunions, so I stalled. Then, we took advantage of the long weekend after New Year and went on a 3-day road trip, so it was put off again.

I was able to write a few words last January 5, but found it is not as easy as I think it is. And here I am again, trying to arrange my jumbled thoughts.
  1. Highlights…what went well last 2014?
  2. Lowlights…what didn’t go so well?
  3. What am I looking forward?


Writing. After several years of contemplating to write and just saying it to myself and to my husband, I finally started this blog. Hitting the published button with my first post was exhilarating…as in “whew”. Then I had some doubts if I can really continue writing, especially when I read some of the posts of the seasoned bloggers. Afterwards, I will be inspired to write again. The last 6 months since I hit “Publish” last June 9, 2014 was like a roller coaster ride. There were times my mind and my fingers are so in-tuned that I can finish a post in just a few minutes. But there were times, when I just sit in front of the computer and…nothing. But in the end, I would gladly say all went well, because I keep writing.
Traveling. We started and ended 2014 with travel. And most were unplanned…destinations not final until the day before or on the day, no booked accommodation…just the three of us, our luggage and our ever reliable green car. We seldom splurge during our travels. Mostly, we depended on the post of Pinoy bloggers for best value lodging. And when we reached the area, we ask the locals for the best karenderia or turo-turo.

Visited eight (8) provinces, not including our trips to nearby towns of Pampanga.
Running. Though I only joined 2 running events in 2014, still I considered it as one of the highlights because I ran my first ever half marathon (21K). And, I did it again, which means, that I was halfway through one of my “bucket list”…to run a full marathon before I die.
  • Janiary - GGLC Aetropolis Half Marathon (SCTEX Challenge)
  • March - Clark Animo Run V Marathon
And ever since I discover the MapMyRun apps on mobile phone, I've been using it during my every run. Last January 14, the website released my 2014 End of Year Summary:
  • Total Workouts – 16
  • Total Calories – 6,679 (That's equal to 3 Pizzas)
  • Total Distance – 106 Kilometers (That's equal to 2.51 marathons)
  • Total Steps 167,658 (You climbed Mt. Everest 2.89 times)
  • Total Runs – 11
  • Fastest Pace – 2:52 min/km
  • Longest Run – 22.3 kilometers
  • Average Pace – 9:17 min/km
  • Average Run – 9.57 kilometers
  • Total walks – 5
  • Longest walk – 5.24 kilometers
  • Average walk – 3.29 kilometers


Death of my Mother. This was one of most devastating time of my life. My siblings and I did not see it coming. My mother was a strong and energetic woman, she rarely got sick. When she does, she bounces back in no time. But this time, it’s different. She was hospitalized for almost a month and succumbed to death after a major operation. I guess no one really recovered from a death of a loved one. The pain will haunt you whenever and wherever...I missed her so much.
Sickness in the Family. First it was my daughter last March, her very first hospitalization in 9 years. June and July, it was my mother. And when we thought, it was over, last November I was hospitalized after 15 years.

Running. Though it is one of my highlights but I also considered it as my lowlight. After my second 21K run, I was advised by the Medic to see and consult with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I did not, at first, but when the pain on my knee became intolerable…I had to give in. I was diagnosed with Torn Meniscus Membrane on my right knee. I had to undergo 6 sessions of physical therapy. I was also advised to rest my knee for a while. Simply put…stop running.


Write regularly. At least 2 posts and 5 daily logs a week.

Run regularly. At least 3 times a week.

Regular bonding moments with Dada and with Daniz. Last year, it was always the three of us. But for the few times that Jonjie and I had our “just the 2 of us” moments, we had fun and we want to do it regularly. Not to be left out, Daniz and I will have our own “girl bonding” moment.

Explore Philippines more.  
  • Mt. Pinatubo and Mt. Arayat. We have been in Pampanga for 10 years and these mountains are just a few hours away.
  • Banaue and Sagada. Ever since we got married, we have been planning to go on a vacation to the Mountain Province. 15 years after, still a plan.
  • Tuguegarao. It all started when I watched “The Mistress” and saw the church wedding held at the church inside the Callao Cave.
  • Palawan. We have to see up-close and personal one of the New7Wonders of Nature, the Puerto Princesa Underground River.
  • Boracay. Foreigners are raving about Boracay Island and was even awarded as the best island in the world last 2012...we have to experience it ourselves.
  • Batanes. To explore the breathtaking beauty of the land...and marvel in its unspoiled wonders.
Own a land in Pampanga. I will continue praying real hard that before 2015 ends, we will be able to find our “dream land” here in Pampanga. I am declaring and claiming that it will happen. But in the end, I will abide by our Lord’s plan for us…His will be done unto us.

Year In Review 2015. To write it as early as I can and post it as early as the 1st Week of January 2016.

Daily Log: Every Sunset is God’s Signature

This picture was taken last January 03, 2015 somewhere in Nueva Ecija on our way home from Baler, Aurora
I love sunrise
But I love sunset more
It never fails to bring me
a feeling of peace
...of contentment

Every time the sun set
Into the horizon
It signifies a promise
...a hope
That dawn will come
And the sun will rise again

Daily Log: Beatitudes of Marriage


Blessed are the husband and wife who continue to be affectionate, considerate, and loving after the wedding bells have ceased ringing.

Blessed are the husband and wife who are as polite and courteous to one another as they are to their friends.

Blessed are they who love their mates more than any other person in the world, and who joyfully fulfill their marriage vow of a lifetime of fidelity and mutual helpfulness to one another.

Blessed are they who attain parenthood, for children are a heritage of the Lord.

Blessed are they who remember to thank God for their food before they partake of it, and who set apart some time each day for the reading of the Bible and for prayer.

Blessed are those mates who never speak loudly to one another, and who make their home a place “where seldom is heard a discouraging word.”

Blessed are the husband and wife who faithfully attend the worship service of the church, and who work together in the church for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom.

Blessed are the husband and wife who can work out the problems of adjustment without interference from relatives.

Blessed is the couple which has complete understanding about financial matters, and have worked out a perfect partnership, with all money under the control of both.

Blessed are the husband and wife who humbly dedicate their lives and their homes to Christ, and who practice the teachings of Christ in the home by being unselfish, loyal and loving.

-- Author Unknown

  • This was sent by my cousin, Charolyn Salen, last July 31, 2007 through Salen Clan Yahoo Group
  • The picture was taken during Kuya Hernan & Ate Bing's 25th Wedding Anniversary / Renewal of Vows last December 23, 2014 at Our Lady of Pillar Parish, Las Pinas City by their daughter, Misha

My Daily Log

I inserted the ‘Daily Log” in the JADspirits Blog last September 03, 2014 to accommodate a very short post entitled Daily Log: Eco-Friendly Dining Table. And in 4 months, with 21 posts, it became a venue for
…my thoughts and ramblings
…the old chain emails popular during the 90s (which I saved until now)
…anything on the social media that affected me
…inspirational quotes from writers I admire
…passage from the Bible
…small moments with big impact
My work station...at home
The words may not be entirely mine but the picture in every log will be of the things and the places we visited…and that mean something to me, to us.
…waters and rivers and seas
…sands, lands and mountains and skies
…roads and bridges and pathways and stairways
…flowers and bushes and trees
…anything that caught our eyes
You are welcome to comment or to share your thoughts. Suggestion of a quote, a post, an article…anything under the sun that can be a source of inspiration will be most welcome.

Daily Log: One Thing At A Time. A Plan For 2015

One thing at a time.
One mountain to climb.
One problem to face
One debt to erase.
One habit to break.
One risk to take.
One dream to fulfill
One part of God's will.
One more chance to make right
One more reason to fight.
For when it's all done
You are the one
Who will stand tall and say.
"I did it my way!"
One thing at a time.
~ by Bob Perks

Sunrise at Sabang Beach, Baler, Aurora. Taken last January 02, 2015

I was born and raised in the province. And I remember, during my younger years, I have my New Year's resolutions...sometimes written but oftentimes, not. Every year. But as always the case, it remained just that...resolutions...plans. 

On the last few days of classes, most of my classmates would talked about their resolutions. I have to have one, too. But there's no accountability, not even to myself. Resolutions or what we call it now as "goal settings" was never really discussed during class.

It was one of those things that someone need to have during New Year. Just like the ever famous Philippine tradition that was passed from generation to generation "of jumping at the stroke of midnight during New Year's Eve so we could be taller".

The problem with resolutions...it's too general.

So, here I am. For this year...no "childhood" resolutions but focusing on things "one at a time".